Partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) has become a standard approach for analyzing complex inter-relationships between observed and latent variables. Researchers appreciate the many advantages of PLS-SEM such as the possibility to estimate very complex models and the method’s flexibility in terms of data requirements and measurement specification.
This practical open access guide provides a step-by-step treatment of the major choices in analyzing PLS path models using R, a free software environment for statistical computing, which runs on Windows, macOS, and UNIX computer platforms. Adopting the R software’s SEMinR package, which brings a friendly syntax to creating and estimating structural equation models, each chapter offers a concise overview of relevant topics and metrics, followed by an in-depth description of a case study. Simple instructions give readers the “how-tos” of using SEMinR to obtain solutions and document their results. Rules of thumb in every chapter provide guidance on best practices in the application and interpretation of PLS-SEM.
Brief Table of Contents
Chapter 1: An Introduction to Structural Equation Modeling
Chapter 2: Overview of R and RStudio
Chapter 3: The SEMinR Package
Chapter 4: Evaluation of Reflective Measurement Models
Chapter 5: Evaluation of Formative Measurement Models
Chapter 6: Evaluation of the Structural Model
Chapter 7: Mediation Analysis
Chapter 8: Moderation Analysis
Supplementary Information
Appendix A: The PLS-SEM Algorithm
Appendix B: Assessing the Reflectively Measured Constructs in Corporate Reputation Model
Copyright © 2025 A Primer on Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM)